Season 3 Episode 10
Happy Holidays to you and yours. Here is a new episode that is really a Frankenstein of two separate from October and another from November...all being released in December. There is a faint hiss I could not quite eradicate and of course my levels are...
Season 3 Episode 9
Old, Lou Lou, Old Lou Lou..Tell me what do ya do, do? This is an ep I made to honor the passing of my sweet mum. It's pretty much as per usual, only with an air of focus and gratitude going to mi madre who left this earth on Memorial Day, 2024. She was loved and...
Season 3 Episode 8
Beware the Ides of March, for they come with a new episode. I dedicate this one to my Stepfather Charles E. Carter on the day after his passing, recorded the day before said passing. It opens with a song by my sis called "Small Prayer". The episode is a ramblin'...
Season 3 Episode 7
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to my friend Steven the Milkman. New Year, New ep. A ramble through the briar patch of music and philosophy. It begins with a make shift jam centered on Pauls letter to Corinthians fueled by a song made likely by an old buddy but...
Season 3 episode 6
Witches hats and kitchen cats, welcome back to another episode of Cats in a bag. Season 3 episode 6 to be exact. Here we are in November but Halloween was just around the back corner. Onward to the Turkey days. Traditional ep full of love and nonesense. Hope you...
Season 3 episode 5
Must be the season of the witch and so is born a new episode. Season 3 episode 5. Not much difference here. I start with an old song from Sikelianos & Sikelianos an old family band, pay some respects to an old friend who has passed on and just do my normal jams...
Season 3 Episode 4
Purr Purr paw paw to all my Cat-baggers out there. Another episode in the bag. This one was sort of impromptu, but are not they all? This episode starts out with an improvised song 5 year old Aurora and I made called Back on Track/Celebration. There is a full...
Season 3 episode 3
Happy Birthday to all them July babies including myself. It's that month and although i'm late as usual, here is episode 3 of season 3. It begins with a poem by Alexa W. from my movie "A Yeti in the City." I'm praying that I haven't used it before, but if I have, so...
season 3 episode 2
Damn, it's been a minute. Sorry about that. Whatever. Here is episode 2 of season 3. In the episode I accidentally call it Season 2. That's how out of touch I am. It's your regular fair from Tchakatime radio. I goof, I gaff, I'm glad I came. I start with a...
Season 3 episode 1
Three seasons and I ain't been canceled yet. This ep starts with an old and long diddy from "Yeti in the City" (a movie i made, available for free on youtubes. not the Jim Gaffigan one. mine was first. burn even though he has more pillows than me) And as always...
Season 2 episode 13
Gooten Moorgan to all my cat baggers out there. Here is a special episode in that it's the best of season 2. I've selected the top 30 songs I personally like and hopefully you will too. Not much jibber jabber other than that which is in the songs. It is what it...
Season 2 episode 12
Meow Ye! Meow Ye! Tis the first, second month in this new year! Happy New MonthYear! Hope all your january jams got canned as planned. Welcome to a new ep full of all your favorite make-em-ups, from nothing in the hopper to whaterver comes next. The episode begins...